Monday, May 02, 2005

Every Member a Minister

Dave Black says that there is no Biblical foundation for the office of "pastor." I wonder if this means that any and every baptized communicant in good standing is authorized to adMINISTER the sacraments?

Or is there genuine "apostolic succession?"

Anyone can preach; anyone can pray. But can anyone administer the sacraments?

I don't know.

Every Member a Minister


Blogger ELemonholm said...

It's a question of good order. In an emergency, any Christian can and should preside over the sacraments of baptism or communion. For the sake of good order in the church, a called (by the congregation) and ordained (by the wider church) pastor generally presides over the sacraments. That is a specific function of a trained and called pastor, for the sake of good order. BTW, from the beginning of the church, there has been the need for and the reality of pastoral leadership, but on the servant leader model that Paul advocated, not as a caste within the church, lording it over the laity.

11:48 AM  

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