Monday, April 11, 2005

What John Paul II Couldn't Stop

Pat Buchanan on the decline of the RCC in the USA since Vatican II, quite remarkable considering the RCC's rise 1930-1965.

While the church has maintained her numerical strength in America, this is due only to immigration. As one Chicago priest said, each week he buries a Lithuanian or Polish Catholic—and baptizes two Hispanic babies.

What happened to Catholicism is what happened to America. Both passed through a moral, social and cultural revolution that has altered the most basic beliefs of men and women. There has been a “transvaluation of all values.” What was considered scandalous or immoral not long ago—promiscuity, abortion, homosexuality—is now considered progressive. It says everything about our age that, were a judicial nominee in America to echo the views of John Paul II on human life, the Democratic Senate would unanimously filibuster his nomination to death and denounce him as an extremist.

With much of the church having succumbed to the heresy of modernism, it needs an Athanasius. As good a man as the pope was, as great as were his achievements, as noble as was his witness for life, the Catholic Church still awaits that bishop.


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